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Freya's 1st Aett
Fehu fehu fehu
Fu fa fi fe fo
Of ef if af uf
(Galdr source: “A Handbook of Rune Magic” by Edred Thorsson)
Fehu Old Germanic name: Fe (Fehu)
Fehu Old Norwegian name: Fehhu
Fehu Anglo-Saxon name: Feo, Feoh
Fehu Old Celtic name: Feum
Fehu Old Icelandic name: Fé

The main message of Rune Fehu is acquiring of something new or a consolidation of the resources already in your possession. This does not only apply to finances or monetary possessions but to any area of life you are inquiring about, be in love life or health matters. But the answer it gives will always be connected to the material world and decisions made with clear mind rather than heart.
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Modern meaning of Fehu is prosperity, money, and property. It is the Rune of creation & destruction, energy and fertility. It is the true Rune of abundance through EFFORT and perseverance. It will not tolerate lazy and reckless behavior, as well as greed.
Rune Fehu will aid with obtaining a favorable outcome of a project, task, any new beginning. It gives a power to obtain something new, as well as helps to preserve what you already have. It will help in a situation where you are at competition or opposition.
You can use this Rune when making a purchase, going for a job interview or in general, when dealing with any financial matters. This Rune is also connected to the well-being of the soul, it aids in creative projects where you express yourself and use your talents.
One more point that should be mentioned about the interpretation of Fehu is what a person is going to do with their "wealth" a.k.a. their acquired material possessions.
There is a reason why this Rune means “cattle”. It does not directly mean money or house. Cattle is not only a possession but also a continuous source of production. This metaphor asks a person to take a closer look at what they are currently doing to expand and grow. Many people lose all the money when they win a lottery or receive an inheritance. It is an ability to amplify that is important.
Fehu IS read reversed, so be mindful when doing any Viking or Ásátru style Runic tattoo that includes Fehu (see section on tattoos below).
Rune Advice: you need to stop dreaming and get back on Earth. Start working on your goals and do what it takes to get where you want to be. Be realistic but also passionate. You get out what you put in.
Fehu is of course a great Rune to use in monetary and abundance Rituals or simply to wear as a powerful talisman.
Fehu is usually used to attract wealth and success, to get a promotion and achieve abundance. Wear it as a talisman daily to simply attract money and remove any blockages or obstacles that prevent you from achieving financial success. The Rune will also fill you with ideas and inspirations to improve your financial situation.
Fehu + Uruz will work great as a Bindrune if you are looking for inspiration in your work (especially if it is both your hobby & your source of income), as it not only gives the inspiration but through those Runes creation persists.
In meditation, Fehu asks you to seek answers to the following questions:
What is more important to you: your material or divine state?
How can you expand on a material level?
Do you know not only how to earn but also how to keep your earnings?
Get the FEHU Runic candle to connect with the energy of the Rune on a deeper level.
Despite strong material association, Fehu is actually the Rune of fertility due to the presence of the Forces of Creation that act through this Rune.
Otherwise, the health meaning of Fehu is quite straightforward:
Upright Fehu is a very positive Rune that means a quick and successful recovery and, in general, good health.
Reversed Fehu, in turn, means worsening of the health situation or possible return of old illnesses.
Pay a closer attention to the upper respiratory system, joints and bones.
Reversed Fehu + Thurisaz is a very powerful combination that requires you to pay attention and be warned of potential traumas.
Even though Fehu does not directly deal with love and relationship matters, as mentioned above, Fehu represents abundance and fertility. The abundance comes in many forms and for some, it is the family that is the most fulfilling part of life.
In a love or relationship reading, Fehu will almost always be the positive Rune. It will signify the beginning of something new in your relationship but most often on a material level (such as buying a house or moving in together).
Fehu says that it is the time to make a move or think of the next step in your relationship. It may be the time to get the courage and finally message the person you have feelings for or even propose, if you are already at that stage of your union.
In general, it is the Rune of a very good potential when it comes to love life.
Fehu + Gebo bring some good and joyful news, can mean proposal or marriage.
Fehu is read reversed and you should pay a close attention at the nearby Runes. For example,
Reversed Fehu + Isa require you to take a close look at what is going on in your relationship because it may be at its breaking point.
Reversed Fehu + Tiwaz can indicate a divorce that will also drag down with legal procedures which can be quite costly. If you in a process of a divorce, see how you can avoid this and seek settlement.
Fehu is a very positive Rune in career. It means that things are really picking up for you. Look out for opportunities and accept any new tasks, challenges or offers.
If inquiring about a new job, it really is a “yes-yes” Rune that promises a good income, success and career growth.
Fehu + Raidho means that the job may involve a great deal of travel. You may even be asked to move and there is no need to be afraid of this.
The Rune represents abundance, particularly in the material world, therefore, there is no better Rune to use in the achievement of financial goals.
Fehu reversed advises very strongly against greed, money misuse, theft or any kinds of fraud.
It may also mean a period of financial difficulties and uncertainties. The Rune can mean financial losses due to activities such as gambling.
Its meaning will be “softened” with the Runes like Dagaz, Laguz and Ingwaz and ask not to make any radical changes at this time.
Wear it as a talisman daily to simply attract money and remove any blockages or obstacles that prevent you from achieving financial success. The Rune will also fill you with ideas and inspirations to improve your financial situation.
Fehu IS read reversed, so be mindful when doing any Viking or Ásátru style tattoo that includes this Rune, as you don’t know how the shadow side of the Rune will play out in a particular moment.
Fehu is quite a materialistic Rune, so when talking about the shadow side, we would be able to see how it can affect the monetary possessions and decisions.
The Rune also does not tolerate any fraud and shady activities for improving income or business, so if you want to have this Rune tattooed, do a reality check of what kind of person you are and what kind of business you conduct.
In general, if you have any money channel blockages due to past life or current life circumstances, Fehu can help with clearing those up.
Many choose the amulet with three Fehu Runes, which is said to substantially increase its influence, you can think about this idea for your tattoo.
Read more: Viking Rune Tattoos: All You Need Know Before Getting One. Norse Runes & Icelandic Staves in Tattoos
Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
If you drew this Rune as a part of divination work, it signifies financial and material success, as long as everything is thought through and planned.
It is not the time to get lazy, to give up or to dream and lose a contact with reality.
If you are in business, strengthen the existing bonds with your partners, take a good look at how your business is operating. Are you keeping up with changes and shifts? It is important now more than ever that you do.
Rune Fehu Reversed Meaning:
As we discussed above, Rune Fehu strongly advises against any excess material behaviour. This includes greed, gambling, fraud and other “shady” behaviour.
This basically means that the reversed meaning of Fehu comes out of the upright position. It says that a person may lose their wealth, abundance and stability by playing against the Rules of Fehu.
The Rune advises not only on the right use and expansion of your wealth but also on knowing how to protect it. Do not get involved in any kind of investments if you don’t have a clue what you are doing. Always seek advice and guidance from professionals.
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