Hi there I'm interested in getting a runes tattoo and just looking for some advice on the order of these runes and if there is a particular location that would be best for the tattoo.
The runes I'm interested in are Kenaz, Algiz and Fehu.
Any help is appreciated
Hi Chris, The order is maintained if you picked these Runes for a particular subject and all three Runes correspond to it. Then the order is maintained in a sense that you would read it as a sentence or a short story. This is the best way to deal with Runes anyway and it’s how you read them in divination. If these are random Runes that you are drawn to, there is no need to maintain the order. With regards to the location, it is best to choose area of the body that will minimise reversals (such as sternum, back, neck, etc). Hope it helps, Veronika
Kenaz and Fehu are the runes I'm most interested in, if any other rune would fit better than Algiz. I'd be happy to hear it. Thanks